Thursday, March 3, 2011

New Babies In Da House!

Ok... just a couple of quick photos of some new additions to the family. I have 4 black sex link hens and 3 mallard ducklings. I got them all from Tractor Suppy. They are having Chick Days going on and it's a great time if you have considered chickens to stopy by and learn more. Also... I would be happy to talk about pros/cons of having a small flock.


  1. They are so cute!!! I have got to get down to our local TSC and see what they have! I'm hoping they may have some americauna's. Or even aracona's. My husband wants some. He likes the tuft cheeks. lol And, I told my son that he can get a chick or two with his birthday money if he wants. SO... okay... tomorrow is my birthday so I want some too. LOL (Find me on facebook sometime!)

  2. Khara.. I see you did manage to make it TSC. My local TSC does have the Americaunas but they were sold out by the time I got there. Monday morning I'm going to call to see if I can have them set aside a couple extra for me so they won't be gone by the time I'm there.
