Sunday, October 10, 2010

If puppies could speak...

October 9, 2010

Right now she is circling my computer chair whining at me. I know what she wants and I’m trying to ignore her but she is becoming more instant. I don’t have any food or treats. Even though she can’t speak I know exactly what she wants.

She wants to sit in my lap to take a nap. How can I deny that? It’s so sweet and when I’m feeling a little lonesome today it’s nice to know someone needs me.

Excuse me while I bend down and pull her up. By the way… she growls at me the whole time I pull her up. She is getting too big for this but she is trying to work around that by laying across one arm. She is very put out by my moving my arm to type and she turns to look up to me just so I can see her displeasure and lays her head back down; this time on the keyboard.

I finally think I have it figured out so I disturb her minimally. I tried to take a couple of pictures on my phone. No comments please about the state of my “desk”. I’m using a fold up table I bought at Walmart for a desk at the moment.

We shouldn’t be inside at all today. It’s amazing outside, a perfect sunny and warm fall day. However Paul isn’t home yet and I can’t stir myself to do much when he’s not here.

I’ve said it now, confessed to all. When he’s not here there is a pattern I fall into. The first few days are busy picking up after the tornado that is Paul. Then I start slowly to retreat. 

The reality is that I just come alive when he’s around. I wouldn’t fade away to nothing if he were gone for a long period of time but there is this weird cycle that I need to break. I’m not sad but more like I’m uninspired. That is something that I will work on in the coming months.

Having said that, I have made a new contact with one of the Chicken Whisperer group. She and her husband are a great inspiration and just looking at what they have accomplished is getting my blood pumping and the ideas flowing.

I’ve been saying that I wanted to get a couple of goats and learn how to make goats cheese. I haven’t the faintest clue about goats or making cheese of any sort. It’s great to be able to learn from others who have paved the way and will hopefully make things just a little bit easier for me and the goats!

She and her husband have a fantastic website which I would love to share:


1 comment:

  1. Awwwww. What a sweet pup! You won't find me arguing with you - I'm a sap for pups :)

    I'm so tickled you like our website. I've been remiss in updating it :( But I do keep the blog up-to-date, which the "Our Homestead Blog" link will take you to. We've yet to breed our goats - Georgia is certainly of age, but she seems so immature to me. Maybe in the spring.....

    Thanks again, hon. XXXOOO
