March 14th
Poop, eat, poop, drink and then poop some more. I must admit this is exactly what it feels like when you have 22 baby birds in the house. I spend an excessive amount of time cleaning after them and making sure they have food, water and are warm enough. Most importantly, I have to make sure that Lucky & Zoe don't mistake them for tapas. Lucky noticed right away they make the perfect bite size snack. He even tried to pop one in his mouth.
Poop, eat, poop, drink and then poop some more. I must admit this is exactly what it feels like when you have 22 baby birds in the house. I spend an excessive amount of time cleaning after them and making sure they have food, water and are warm enough. Most importantly, I have to make sure that Lucky & Zoe don't mistake them for tapas. Lucky noticed right away they make the perfect bite size snack. He even tried to pop one in his mouth.
Today I put some water in the tub and let the ducklings have a play in the water. I received a work call and had to make a bunch of reservations... I could hear them splashing about and having a nice time. Next thing I know they let out an alarm call. Lucky had wandered into the bathroom to watch them and I'm sure it was too much of a temtation so I had to firmly discourage him from plucking them out of the water for lunch. Bad Lucky!!!!
Three days ago another hawk came for a visit and killed my Bantam Buff Brahma hen. I find it so odd that only the Buff Brahmas were killed. Out of my bantams they are the largest and blend into the background far more than my teeney white bantams. It seems they stand out so much more and since they are smaller would be a more desirable target. It could be more to do with the natural pairing up of the hens with the roosters. For example the head rooster is Fergus. He also happens to be the oldest. I can't imagine a better example of a rooster than my little Fergus. He is very protective over his two girls, the white banty hens. He stays with them even when they are laying an egg. When they are bent over in the fields eating he is on high alert looking for predators.
Jonesey is the largest of the roosters but he is also the youngest. Five of the 6 Red Devils hang out in his harem. He does keep a watchful eye but the problem is that his hens have a huge independant streek. They will go where they please without giving him any notice. They also have no problems wandering around the farm on their own. That I find very odd considering they have seen of their flock "murdered" before their very eyes! Some women are too strong willed for their own good!
There are wild Jonquils that are cropping up all over the fields and they are finally starting to bloom. They are just lovely. They make me think of my mother. Yesterday was her birthday and she always loved the Jonquils and Daffodils. They are the flowers of spring, a sign that the long hard winter is finally over. I miss her so very much and I always will.
We had the St. Patrick's Day parade in downtown Mt. Nebo on Saturday. I was really surprised at how many people were there. I decided to take Zoe with me to the end of the driveway to watch the big excitement. I think next year I will have to participate in the parade with travel banners on the side of the truck or something. I'll think on it...
So far I have 4 Black Sex Link hens, 4 White Leghorn hens, 4 Ameraucanas, 4 Production Red hens, 3 Silver Wyandotte. The shipment of the 2 Ameraucana hens, 2 Welsummer hens, 2 Ancona hens, 1 Black Copper Maran rooster & Speckled Sussex Rooster will arrive this week. I can't wait for the end of the summer when the new hens start laying eggs. Did I really just say I wanted to rush summer? Smack my hands!!!
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