Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Black Magic And Chicken Sacrifice

October 27, 2010

Halloween Episode

My cousin who gave me 6 of her 21 Rhode Island Reds has had all of her chickens but one killed over the past couple of weeks. Her theory is a fox climbing over the 6 foot fence, killing the chickens and leaving the bodies behind uneaten.

Pardon the Hart to Hart moment… but when they met, it was myyyrderrrr!

Tina asked me my thoughts and while I am no Mrs. H, I gave her my best educated theory…

I may be going out on a limb (or perch) but I believe it is the black arts or magic if you will. A predator is using magic to levitate itself up over the 6 ft. fence to practice sacrifice to some evil being then levitating back out.

I like my theory sooooo much better especially since it’s nearly Halloween! It’s much more interesting that the boring old fox climbing over a fence.

But then I had to ask myself the question… what could the sacrifice be for? I’m guessing it is to the Great Chicken God, you know the one… he’s the one who brings chickens and deposits flocks of them for the fox to enjoy in neighborhoods and rural settings all around the world!

You see, I knew something like this would happen last night. I knew because a “bad wind” (feel free to giggle here) was blowing. The past few days were so lovely and warm and there was the full moon. Then out of nowhere after the sky turned dark as with no moon to be seen. The wind picked up and the sky turned dark so fast I got that funny feeling in my tummy and I found myself looking up at the sky to see if I could spot any of those little tails drifting down. (where was I?)

Oh yeah, the ill wind was boding trouble alright… not for my little flock, but for Tina’s.  duhhhh… daaaa…..duhhhhh (“plot thickens” sound effects) So now we have motive; chicken sacrifice. But was it really Mr. Fox? Could the fox be the too obvious bad guy that everyone suspects in the beginning?

I am not ruling anything out but I suggested bringing in the weasel in for questioning. The weasel is one tough cookie to crack, he wouldn’t talk no matter how much they leaned on him and threatened to throw a book at him.

As he was being dragged out of the interrogation room he glanced back one last time and said… “Ever wonder why the raccoon wears a mask, he has something to hide I’m telling you!”

Join us next week when Mystery Chicken Theater Presents: Will Fiona start laying before she is put in the slow cooker?

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