Saturday, September 25, 2010

If a strong cup of tea can’t fix it call the fire department…

I had to distance myself from Wednesday before setting it to paper. Never write or say anything that can’t be undone or come back to haunt you!

The oddest thing happened to me on Wednesday. Something so surprising that I would never have conceived it. At the time it kicked off I was pretty damn miserable but I still have all my limbs (and now a bit of perspective) as my mother would say.

All I am going to say is this… if you currently or will ever be in a position to hire people it is very important to ask them before contacting their current employer. ‘Nough said.

But really, this should not matter. Since June I have not worked “FOR” anyone but myself and my clients. I am an independent contractor. Having said that, it would have been helpful if I could have been the one to let my previous host agency know that I was leaving. Timing really is everything.

Be ready for any disaster. But was it really a disaster? Looking back now I can say it was not how I would have liked it to happen and it may have been a little inconvenient for me, but not a disaster. It was not inconvenient for my clients and ultimately that is what is important to me.

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1 comment:

  1. See - you had your panties all in a wad and it all turned out okay! That was my one moment of sanity and clarity this week, so thank you for allowing me the priviledge of focusing on someone else for a change :-)
